DAY 13
/22136.9 miles
/220.8 miles (total JMT)7.8 miles
+1200/-2000 ft
11970 ft
August 20, 2015
Kings Canyon National Park, Inyo National Forest, John Muir Wilderness
(California, USA)Bishop Pass Trail
Campsite in Dusy Basin
South Lake Trailhead (Exit)
Bishop Pass
When we woke up the smoke had mostly cleared out and I wondered if we made the wrong decision. However, the ranger told us previously that this happened for the last several days and the smoke would pick back up in the afternoon. It was not fun packing up that morning knowing it would be our last day on the trail.
On the bright side, Dusy Basin and Bishop Pass were gorgeous and I was happy to see a new trail. It didn’t take us too long to reach the summit [11972’] and continue down the other side to Bishop Lake. We made it to the trailhead at South Lake just as more smoke was rolling over the pass.
Fortunately, we left a car in Bishop at the start of the trip so logistically it wasn’t the end of the world to exit there. We made the best of it by visiting the Mountain Rambler brewery in Bishop for dinner and beers.
Fast forward to 2016: we locked down a permit to finish the JMT from Bishop Pass to Mt. Whitney in August. I am really excited to return to the trail (without the smoke) and finish what we started!
To be continued…
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